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He was Always There

Except you receive the kingdom of God as a little Child… You will in no wise enter therein.Luke 18:17

The Question: I’ve been asked, “ When did you come to know Jesus?”

My answer, “I don’t remember not knowing Jesus. I think, because He came to me.”

"Jesus loves the little children All the children of the world Red and Yellow, Black and White They are precious in His sight Jesus loves the little children of the world".

This was my favorite song as a child. Because of my deafness, I had empathy for others who suffered discriminated.

Jesus Came It was a cold night in Detroit. I was a little girl laying in my parent’s bed, delirious with Scarlet Fever. My Daddy was kneeling by the bed, praying for me. Why was I in my parent’s bed? Why was Daddy praying for me? Wow. I Thought, I must be pretty sick. I was unable to talk or move. I drifted off to sleep. I awoke the next morning. The house was quiet and it felt very peaceful. All four of my siblings were in school, I wasn’t old enough to go to school yet. Yes, I’m the baby of the family. Or the “caboose” of the family train, as I was lovingly referred to. Next to me was Betty, then Roger, my only brother, then Thyra and Margie, and Mom & Dad, of course.

I was surprised to see I was in my mother’s bed. Then I remembered the night before, when my daddy was praying over me. The maple poster bed was covered with warm blankets and was so, so cozy. The heavy drapes with big pink roses and green leaves all over them made the room very dark, even in the early morning. I laid there not wanting to move, not knowing if I even could. It was a chilly mid-west morning and I felt so warm. I think I’ll just enjoy this. After all I wasn’t usually allowed in my parent’s room. Am I dreaming?

Suddenly The room filled with a light so bright I had to squint my eyes to see! Then I saw Jesus in all His Glory. He was standing at the foot of the bed with His arms outstretched to me. He didn’t say anything to me. I just felt loved. His countenance was the brilliant light that filled the bedroom that morning. I couldn’t see his face clearly. His face shone like the warm sun. His robe was beautiful, white Linen with light blue trim on the sleeves and hem. He wore a gold sash and belt. It was a beautiful vision and I knew it was Jesus and He loved me. I sensed He wanted to take me to heaven right then, and it scared me a little. But I know now, He let me choose.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen; where my mom was making “milk toast” for me (Milk toast was the best thing about being sick). “Mommy, I just saw Jesus!” Needless to say, mom was shocked to see me out of bed. She smiled, she knew right then, that I was healed. I was immediately healed from the Scarlet fever. However; I had severe hearing loss after that. I was taken to Doctors; but nothing worked. I was sent to lip-reading classes eventually.

I was very self conscience and shy about my deafness. I tried to hide it, so I would always make people laugh even if it got me in trouble. School meant, impatient teachers, missed assignments (from not hearing), poor grades, and being laughed at for inappropriate answers, etc. No one understood how deaf I really was. My own family was frustrated with me, too. They would say I just wasn’t listening. I always sensed the presence of Jesus, or an angel guarding me. He rescued me many times. At a very young age, He gave me discernment and wisdom. I sensed evil and knew it was an ungodly world.

My circumstance does not define who I am in Christ.

I think He created me to be that funny little girl sitting on His knee

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