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A Future Battle- The End?

A word came to me in a visual image when I was 10 or 11 years old. I now understand it to be an "open vision". I was sitting in the back seat of my father's 1960 Mercury. It was parked on the street in front of our house. I was alone waiting for family to go somewhere, I don't remember. Looking out the window, upward. I saw myself much older, with some sort of uniform,knowing I was going to join a battle. Is this the end times? Had Jesus already come? Did I miss the rapture? All I knew was; I decided, it was my time to stand up for Jesus. No turning back. No games, this was the hour. It was do or Die. Auddible, or a sense of knowing? I don't know, I was hard of hearing. My brokenness, shame, my mistakes and choices, my pain and my heartache; Helet me know, HE will work it all out for my good. He will give me discernment and prepare me for my “later days mission”. I will be made strong in Him and walk in supernatural faith, with power and the will to be a warrior. Was I called to be A Warrior? Is that what I was being trained for? That was a scary and powerful word for an 11 year old. I remember a heaviness came over me. I remember thinking, Is this my imagination? God. if this is true? How? I'm just a kid. I immediately felt confident, a knowing sense that I would be able to stand. He would surround me with His presence and send people that would teach me the skills I would need. And Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to plant in me the desire to learn and to teach me knowledge I could never get on my own strength.

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