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My Value isThe Price He Paid for Me, His Only Son!


How God sees me…

He created me for companionship. Genesis 2: 23-25

He created me to be His daughter, to live with Him for eternity. Rev. 21:9

He created my heart and gave me HIS Heart for People. Romans 10;1

He created me to sow, water or reap; HE orders the increase. 1 Cor. 3:7

He put the hunger in my Heart for HIS Word. Psalm 119:11

HE created me for spiritual intimacy and to intercede for others.

He sees me finish the race as a champion. 2 Timothy 4:7

He sees me SHINE the light of Jesus’ LOVE into all people. John 8:12

He chose me to lay down my selfishness (die to Self) Romans 8:13

He chose me to share His love so I can be used by HIM!

He doesn’t see me according to my flesh; but sees me according to my created value.

He sees me as a Prayer Warrior for Healing the sick and oppressed.

He sees me as a Pearl of great price.

He created me to BE like Him-Matthew 16:24

He made me to be a Joint Heir in the kingdom of God.

He sees me with eyes that Sent His Son to die for me, already! 1 John 4:10

He sees me growing in faith, wisdom and knowledge.

He is molding me as a clay vessel, as I yield to the Holy Spirit


He sees me as a Warrior to fight spiritual warfare.

He sees everything I fail to see. He sees my eternity.

Thank You LORD!

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