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There's Healing in the Name of Jesus

Healing is Real and for Today I was five and my sister, Betty was eight, when she was healed of Rheumatic Fever. Betty spent many months in bed and was in the hospital for several weeks. My mom, Margaret and her twin Sister, Marjorie (our beloved Aunt Doogie), took some of us kids to an Oral Robert Healing Service (tent meeting) in Detroit, Michigan in about 1956. Betty was carried up to Brother Roberts to be prayed for. She walked away healed and never had a reoccurrence. She had been delivered from her infirmity. Her miracle put her on a whole new level in our home and church family. She was always the “spiritual child” of the family, with a meek and quiet spirit. She just seemed closer to God. She dealt with cruel comments and teasing for being “too Good” just like I did for being “Deaf.” I loved and admired Betty. I always felt protective of her, even though she was older. She didn’t seem to let the teasing bother her for some reason. I wished I could be that way. Well, it’s her wonderful miracle, so I’ll let her tell her own beautIful story.

So, I knew miracles happened. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Many times over the years, I was anointed and prayed for in the church; but nothing, nada! I was deaf as ever. Not getting healed, made me feel that I wasn’t “good enough” to be healed. The devil told me lies. God didn’t love me as much as my sister. He told me God didn’t want to heal me. I must have done something wrong. I had faith and I believed, right? Would I never received my healing? I became cynical, and untrusting. When I was 12 years old I told my mom to never take me to the altar for prayer again.

I Believe in Miracles Three years later, on a Sunny Summer Sunday afternoon in 1966; our Church youth group went to a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting at the Shrine Auditorium, in Los Angeles, Ca. I was 15, I really wasn’t keen on going. I wasn’t sure what I thought about Kathryn Kuhlman. She was a bit theatrical for my taste. I went anyway. I didn’t have anything else to do and I always had fun on the Church bus. I was really having an ATTITUDE that day. We arrived late and had to sit in the nose bleed section, way up on the top row of the hot balcony. The service started. The Choir sang. Kathryn floated across the stage in her flamboyant style. I thought, Is she for real? Then she started preaching, no fault in there. Then she began to call out healings in the audience. She said, “When you’re healed, come down quickly” People started going down to the stage with healings. Then Miss Kuhlman pointed up to the section where our group was sitting. She said, “Someone up there just got healed. Someone’s ears are being opened” I caught my breath (felt a quickening) and I thought to myself, “Is it me?” Just then a lady a couple rows down from me jumped up and started praising the Lord for healing her. Great for her I thought. What about me? Maybe if I had gotten up first. Discouraged, I just wanted to get a seat alone on the bus, so I didn’t have to try to hear anyone on the ride home.

I sat in the single seat up front by the driver. The teenagers sitting behind me were whispering sweet nothings to each other, so I knew I would’t be bothered. Settled in for the ride home, I just kept thinking about why wasn’t I healed? If I just hadn't hesitated maybe that would've been my hearing restored. Like the man at Bethesda kept waiting to get in the pool. I missed another opportunity to be healed. All of a sudden my right ear popped open. I could hear the loud noise of the old church bus and the chatter of many conversations on the bus. I turned and looked at who all were talking. I could actually understand words. Is this really happening? I turned around and sat back in my seat. Waiting and thinking, No, it’s not real. This won't last. Then my left ear popped open! I couldn’t believe it! I actually heard the whispers of the young couple behind me. Understanding what they were saying, I turned around and gave them a smile. But still, I didn’t believe that it would last. I didn’t tell anyone. I figured when God decides to take my hearing back; I’ll look like a fool and I would be teased all the more. More lies from the great deceiver, Satan.

Well, God in His mercy opened my deaf ears. He used a redheaded woman evangelist with the Holy Ghost power who gives all glory to God! He healed me in spite of my cynicism, my unbelief, my attitude and my rebelliousness. She didn’t even lay her hands on me! Except for telling a couple of people, it took 4 years for me to share my testimony. I'm sorry LORD! Forgive me! If I had shared my healing, how many people would have believed because of my testimony? Still, HE DIDN”T TAKE BACK MY HEALING! Because God did this for me in my sorry state; I know, It’s not about your church affiliation, your worthiness, your beliefs or “unconfessed sin” as some will preach.

It’s about His mercy and grace! I believe it IS His perfect will that all are saved, healed and delivered. I know there’s power in the name of Jesus! Don’t stop anointing the sick and laying on hands, praying in "Jesus's name." Don’t stop interceding and fasting in prayer. Don’t stop believing. Ask God to purify your heart and prune all sin and disobedience from you. Don't stop requesting prayer. Wear God out with your prayers. Use the sword, the Word of God, to speak deliverance from all oppressive demonic spirits, in the Powerful name of Jesus. Pray without ceasing! Jesus never told anyone, "Oh, I’m sorry, it’s just not your day" or "Your old now, Why waste a healing on an old man, you’ll die soon anyway."

Always pray for supernatural healing regardless of your experience, or situation. Speak life regardless of the diagnosis. Stand on the promises of His Word. Don’t limit God’s power! The anointing will come! Jesus said, “Go and Heal the sick” and “Greater things than I have done, you will do.” Trust in HIS WORD. The power of GOD's WORD!

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